News — Real Gold

The New Year begins with Biden or Can you Wear a Bitcoin around your Neck?

Posted by Mindy Harris on

Can you wear a bitcoin around your neck?  What makes gold a precious metal?

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Tax Season and the Value Hunter

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With April 15th fast approaching we are offering the first of two promotional events featuring a % discount off your total order. While new customers or Instagram customer can save 15% off our regular retail prices, we feature a monthly special offer to save even more. Why do we discount?  With the price of retail jewelry climbing higher and higher for real 14KT gold and real Sterling silver it is still considered an investment worthy gift or purchase. Whether you are shopping for a new pair of baby earrings or searching for the newest trends, a discount enables customers to...

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North Star guiding jewelry theme for 2019

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The moment I saw the small puffed gold four point star through the pristine showroom glass case I knew this star was special.  Now its been 6 month and the trend has just grown and grown. The mystery and power of the North Star has been noted over time. Many famous jewelers have created Polaris designs.  Now we can offer a sample for our best girls style princess rockers. How about it. Enjoy the new shape of things to come. Half pure and better than whole dirty. Take that advise and always buy real real gold and silver for your...

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Happy Girl Pearls

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Seems like just when you found the perfect pearl necklace you hold it up and see it is sized for you, not your child. Our company creates and sells kid sized jewelry. Our products are also guaranteed for lifetime restringing. An average newborn bracelet is 4.5 inches. For babies over 6 months the correct size is 4.75 inches.  Shopping for a 1 year old select 5 inches.  Seeking a perfect easter or communion necklace and bracelet select size 6 inches for a bracelet and 14 inches for the necklace. All Happy Pearl sterling silver necklaces include 1 three inch extender....

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Fact or Fiction Shopping for Baby Earrings

Posted by mindy harris on

"They turned my child's ears red," a common remark directed to me while working with individual customers I encounter in boutiques stores during my travels. When a mom shares that they saved 70% off (sale price $38.70) baby earrings priced at $129. I listen to their frustration when their child can not wear their purchase anymore. I also hear, why spend the extra money when my kid is only going to lose the good ones. Mom's are minimalists in 2016. What is being compared is 14KT gold (plated) earrings and 14KT gold (solid) earrings for babies. The true cost of...

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